Guide for Authors

Types of Article:
Progress in physics of applied materials publishes original research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters.


Author fees: 
There are no author charges (commonly known as APCs) and all accepted papers are published in the journal without any publication fee.


Preparation of manuscripts:

Please click on PPAM_Template to download the manuscript template.
Manuscripts should be typeset in English with double spacing by using word files (*.doc or *.docx are acceptable). While you are preparing your paper for submission, please take care of the following:

  • For original research articles, experimental manuscripts should not be longer than 16 double-spaced typed pages and 8 figures and tables; for theoretical manuscripts, a maximum of 20 pages and 10 figures and tables is suggested. Letters may be no more than a total of four printed journal pages (1800-2500 words) including abstract, the body of the paper, figures, acknowledgements, and references.
  • Please adhere to the following order: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, key words, Main text, Acknowledgements, Appendix, and References.
  • Use the concise and informative title. Title should be as brief as possible.
  • The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.
  • To avoid unnecessary errors, you are advised to use the "spell-check" and "grammar-check" functions of your word processor.
  • Figures must be eps, jpg, or tiff files (more than 300 dpi resolution).

Reference style:
Text: Indicate references by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text.
Example: '..... as demonstrated [2,5]. Smiths and Stone [7] obtained a similar result ....'

List: Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.


Reference to a journal publication:

The authors should use the Harvard Referencing Style. Some examples are given as follows: 

[1] Rahman, M.H., Chowdhury, E.H., Redwan, D.A. and Hong, S., 2021. Computational characterization of thermal and mechanical properties of single and bilayer germanene nanoribbon. Computational Materials Science190, p.110272.

[2] Shokri, A. and Salami, N., 2019. Thermoelectric properties in monolayer MoS 2 nanoribbons with Rashba spin–orbit interaction. Journal of Materials Science54(1), pp.467-482.

Reference to a book:

[3] Bhat, H.L., 2014. Introduction to crystal growth: principles and practice. CRC Press.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
[4] G.R. Mettam G.R.,  Adams L.B., How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York, 2009, pp. 281–304.


Web references: 
The full URL of a web page should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, date, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given.


The authors are strongly advised to submit their manuscripts via journal online submission system. Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files (text, figures and supplementary information, including video, …) directly to PPAM journal office and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. In addition, reviewers can access the manuscripts (in a highly secure fashion that maintains referee anonymity) over a direct internet link, which speeds the review process.

Revisions, including manuscripts submitted after a pre-submission inquiry, should be uploaded via the link provided in the editor's decision letter. Please do not submit revisions as new manuscripts.

Digital object identifier (DOI) name is assigned to an article when accepted. 

Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis), is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and its publication has been approved by all co-authors.


Copyright and Licensing:

License terms

All content of the Journal is published with open access under the License of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)  . All authors are given the option to make articles available under the terms of the license (CC-BY 4.0).

The workings of the Creative Commons CC BY License, as stated on the Creative Commons website, is defined as below:

"This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most compatible of licenses for maximum publication and use of licensed materials." 

Copyright Policy

In this journal, copyright in any article published by the Journal of Progress in Physics of Applied Materials  under license (CC-BY 4.0) is retained by the author(s). But, allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, distribute, and copy as long as the original authors and source are cited properly. The authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights. The author has complete control over the work (e.g., retains the right to reuse, distribute, republish, etc.).

Note: Copyright © the Author from Vol 2 No 2 (2022).                                                                                                                                                                                         


Publishing Ethics:
PPAM journal is committed to maintaining high standards through a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies. Any infringements of professional ethical codes, such as plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, bogus claims of authorship, would be taken very seriously by the editors with zero tolerance. 

The ethical policy of PPAM is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and complies with International Committee of PPAM Editorial Board codes of conduct. Readers, authors, reviewers and editors should follow these ethical policies once working with PPAM. For information on this matter in publishing and ethical guidelines please visit:


In General, the last paragraph of each paper before the appendix and references is the place to acknowledge people and sponsors for dedicating and financial support. Company names and specific places should be cited only here.

Conflict of interest:
Submitting the Conflict of Interest Form using the following link is mandatory when submitting the manuscript.

Conflict of Inerest Form

Cover letter:
A cover letter must be included when submitting the manuscript. It should be concise and explain why the content of the paper is significant as well confirm that the content of the manuscript has not been published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. All authors must approve the manuscript for submission.