About Tunable Ternary Warm Magnetized Plasma Photonic Crystals

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Laser and Photonics, Faculty of Physics, University of Kashan, Kashan, I. R. Iran


In this study, the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves and band gap structure in a one-dimensional ternary plasma photonic crystal (PPC) is investigated. The unit cell of the structure consists of dielectric I-plasma-dielectric II and an external constant magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the PPC boundary. In under study PPC, effects of thermal velocity of plasma electrons are taken into account as a dissipative factor. This structure irradiated by obliquely incident linear EM wave, but right-handed and left-handed waves are propagated with different velocities due to existence of DC magnetic field along the wave vector; and therefore, the well-known Faraday rotation effect occurs. The dispersion relation, band gap structure and absorption of the electromagnetic wave will be studied for right-handed waves. It will be shown by changing different parameters such as intensity of the external magnetic field, filling factor and the electron thermal velocity of the plasma layer and dielectric constant of the dielectric layer, the width, number and the location of band gaps can be adjusted.


Main Subjects

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