Tuning plasmon frequency by the external electric field and its applications

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physics, K. N. Toosi University of Tchnology, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, plasmon frequency manipulation using an external electric field was investigated. Using an external electric field with the right intensity can change the density of charge carriers in materials such as metals and semiconductors. This phenomenon can be used to design a tunable multi-range radiation detector. The density distribution formula of electric charge carriers is proposed as a function of the external electric field, dimension, initial density, and temperature. The validity of this formula was tested by comparing it with the Maxwell distribution function. The use of the formula on the formation of a hot point on the gp120-CD4 connection of HIV-1 and host cells was considered as a practical example. Finally, the effects of Johnson thermal noise and shot Coulomb noise are calculated to accurately determine the external electric field required.


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